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Why Smart City?

A smart city is an urban development using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Internet of Things (IoT) to provide useful information to effectively manage resources and assets. This includes data collected from citizens and mechanical devices that are processed and analyzed to monitor and manage traffic and transport systems, power plants, water supply networks, waste disposal, etc.


What makes a small city in to smart city?

City having;

The smart city mainly focused on the peoples need and services that they required. So smart city means safe, healthy, educated and creative people in the process of making the inclusive society.

The basic need for the smart city is smart infrastructures. Smart Infrastructures comprise several operators from different domains of activity, such as energy, public transport, and public safety. They deploy and operate “cyber-physical systems”, that are data-controlled equipment which interact with the physical world.

In the smart city, there should be smart governance for the equal services and decision process to people. Proper use of ICT in the process of governance is called the smart governance.

The smart economy signs towards the sustainable production and job creation. Using the creative mind for job creation with the help of ICT to improve the productivity called the smart economy.

Using information and technology to collect the data

Role of IoT in Smart city

The Internet of Things (IoT) applications are enabling Smart City initiatives worldwide. It provides the ability to remotely monitor, manage and control devices, and to create new insights and actionable information from massive streams of real-time data.

For example;

IoT technology is making it easier for buildings with legacy infrastructure to save energy and improve their sustainability. Smart building energy management systems, for instance, use IoT devices to connect disparate, nonstandard heating, cooling, lighting, and fire-safety systems to a central management application.

In short, SMART means;